Afghanistan Transit Cargo Handling
Handling of Reconstructions, Rehabilitation, Aid & Deplomatic Cargom supplies to International Security Assistance Forces (ISF) for Afghanistan Transiting Via Port of Karachi, Pakistan.

Afghanistan is land locked country and the neared Sea Port for import of cargo into Afghanistan is Karachi, Pakistan.
Pakistan is in the most advantageous position in Afghanistan Transit Trade, (ATT) where port of Karachi pays a major rote as hinterland port and “GATEWAY” to Afghanistan and Central Asian States and Countries.
There is no rail network in Afghanistan and all trade is conducted by land from Pakistan and other neighboring countries. Cargo for Afghanistan in Transit via Pakistan (Karachi Port) as exempted from Custom duty and Taxes in Pakistan. However, a special custom Cell Processes and examines the cargo at ports in Karachi.
All the cargo i.e. containerized or break-bulk is forwarded by Road from Karachi to custom posts at following locations.
Peshwar/Torkhum for Cargo destined for Jalalabad/Kablul/Mazar-e-Sharif. Quetta/Chaman for Cargo destined for Kandhar & Herat.
Required documentation is carried out at Karachi Customs, after which the cargo/Container is loaded on to Trucks/rail and Transported to the Pak Afghanistan border under custom escorts. Having crossed the border the loaded trucks move to the Afghanistan Custom House across border Jalalabad, Kablul or Kandhar as the case may be. Mostly, the consignee in Afghanistan arranges the unloading and custom clearance of cargo.